Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cousin Ashley's Words on Hair and Monks

Most Monks of all religions, as well as Nuns of the Buddhist faith, shave their head as a symbol of releasing the vanities of the material life. The fact that the vanity involved in hair is so embedded in the human mind is definitely a factor in these vows. Simplicity means having no hair to be vain about, the Buddhist Monks and Nuns say. The unsaid current is, of course, how powerful and strong and beautiful our hair can make us feel, and how deeply we are attached to it.

Here is a picture of Asheley and her kid Cannon on the right, along with Heatherlee and Miles, and Cheralie and Averi. Three of my favorite cousins. Acutally, I don't really have favorite cousins cause I think they are all fantastic people.
Thanks for the comments Ashley!


ashley said...

Hey Leesha,

No problem. :) I think we've got some pretty awesome cousins too. Some of my favorite people in life are cousins.


p.s. I'm the cousin on the far right, but that's cool 'cause I'd rather look like Cherali any day. :)

Nedra Tietjen said...

Hi Alicia! I love your Blog. So sorry to hear about your recent pain. I went through a tough break up last year. I ate and kept my hair but then again i do not have your stunningly beautiful face! I hope you are doing well now! I loved the insight from both the monks and ratafarians. I may have to steel that and put it on my blog! Britt and I have been training for the JMT and I am excited to see you in Septemeber if not sooner.