Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From a Wise Friend

I am not the most eloquent of people, so I was really grateful to receive this message from a dear friend of mine who is.

Sorry to hear about Philip . . .
Hi my friend,
I saw the picture of your hair and figured that's what happened. When people break up, guys go play basketball or drink. Women eat or cut their hair. It's a whole different way of living. :) I could tell that you cared about him deeply, and this seems like a testament to how much you did. But it also makes sense to cut your hair...it's kind of like when Lenny Kravitz broke up with Lisa Bonet, and he cut off his dredlocks. Rastafarians believe that there is energy stored in our hair, and that when there is a big emotional change, that's the time to cut it and start over. It's a way to give form to your feelings. . . . .(other really kind words) . . .Love, Kristen

Here is a picture of Kristen and I on our missions. This was Thanks Giving Day in Mauritius, we had just come inside from getting dumped on by the rain and decided to make a feast of canned vegetables and Milo!

Kristen and I were companions for a total of a year, I couldn't have asked for a kinder, more thoughtful person to have been with so long.


Darilyn said...

She sounds great. It's nice to be surrounded with great friends when we are hurting.

cropstar said...

That is the best thing I've ever read. I love that girl!

faceyboy said...

I miss both of you guys. Courage.

Kristen said...

I love you, too. :)

andrew minnick said...

I think i still have that picture. What's up lisha?