Monday, February 25, 2008

The Yale Law School

These are the arches above the doors as you enter into The Yale Law School. You'll notice that one arch has a very animated Professor, but all the students are bored. The other has very animated students, but the Professor is bored.

So it used to be that the students would walk through one door and the professors though another.

Although the law school was built in the Victorian Era they built it after a really old architectural style, not sure exactly the technical term for it. But its like a cathedral almost. The wood is all intricately carved and there is stain glass in all the windows. We were lucky cause they were students so they let us in the library, which only students are allowed into.

Pretty impressive place.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Very cute picture on the top of you and Phil.

Just a heads up, Caitlin has started a blog, go to my comments for her link.