Monday, February 25, 2008

White Mountians, New Hampshire

After leaving New Haven around 10:20pm on Thursday night, Gladriel, Jarrod, Philip and I drove up to Vermont where we crashed at Chelle's for the night. (Sorry Chelle, I realized that I didn't get many pictures of you and your family.) Chelle and Brig were amazing hosts to us the whole trip.

We woke up Friday morning and packed up our stuff to go snow camping. We had decided that we weren't gong to try and build caves as we only had one night to camp so we brought our tents.
We didn't know exactly where we were going to hike so we called a few ranger stations and after a few phone calls we got connected with one we thought would be good. So we plugged the address in the GPS and two hours later we were at the ranger station getting the low down of where we would be able to hike. By that point it was already 2:30 so we didn't have much day light to work with. Turns out we had put ourselves in the best area possible. We were right next to the Presidential Mountain Range and the next day was forecast to be clear. So after buying some maps we hiked in a few miles (not really sure how many), and set up camp. We enjoyed a great Mexican meal thanks to Gladriel and Jarrod having prepared excellent dehydrated food for the trip. The next morning we woke up and rehydrated some pasta that we kept in their insulation pooches, then we headed up Mt. Madison.

The hike was really steep. But luckily we had the best weather in history and we were stripping layers off on top of a Mountain where people usually don't even try to go in the Winter cause the winds and chill are so bad.

We got to the top in good time, enjoyed our pasta there and headed back to break camp. We were able to break camp and make it out just in time for night fall. Chelle had a great meal including camo chocolate bars waiting for us when we got home.



Chris said...

I am jealous. Looks like you guys had a great time! Good luck getting back into school.

Becca said...

You are the most adventurous lady that I know. All I can think about is how cold I would be "snow camping" You are a brave lady and you look like you are having a lot of fun.