Sunday, July 01, 2012

Tulia Paula Beesley

Tulia Paula Beesley was born June 7th at 3:54 am. She weighed 7lbs 15 oz 20 3/4 inches long. Labor went well, my body doesn't like to dialate, I found that out the hard way with Weston. So once contractions were going strong and I was still not dialating we got the epidural and about an hour later with three pushes, Tulia was here. We were so sure we were going to have a boy that when she came, Tucker announced it was a boy, then quickly retracted that and confirmed that indeed she had no boy parts and is a beautiful baby girl! I was so excited to have a little girl, it was the best surprise ever!!


Brady said...

What a sweet little girl! Looks like she fits perfectly in your family! Congrats!

Brady said...

Sorry didn't realize I was signed in as Brady...its really me Andrea leaving the comments! =)